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OCR: CITIZENS INTERNET CHPQUERMENT COALITION 1634 EYE STREET MM, SUITE 1100 WIGMINGTON, DC. 20006 (202) 637-9000 THO (202) 637-0340 Managenent Connittecl Jerry Bernan, CDT Willian Berrington.MOL Judith Kreg, ALA Citizem Internet Enpowerment Coalition Litigation Fact Sheet March 1936 In response to the indecency restrictions imposed on the Internet by the Communications Decency fet (Che), the Citizens Internet Enpoveracat Coalition has been forned to challenge the lau as vielative of the First Aneralnent, The Citizens Internet Empowerment Coalition (CIEC) is a large and diverse group of organizations who share the common goal of protecting the First fendrest and the viability of the Internet in the Zist century. 75 seganizational senters include libraries, book publishers, newspaper Its publishers, editors, advertisers, commercial online service providers, Internet access providers, non-profit groups, and civil liberties advocates. Duer 10.000 individual Internet users have also joined the CIEC effort. The CIEC is coordinated baj the Center for Democracy and Technology. America Online, and the American Library Association, The primary goal of the coalition lawsuit is to establish in constitutional Jurisprudence that the Internet is a unique comenications wediun, deserving unique First Arendecat protection -- that it is welike the broadcast nedlun and, should receive at least the sane broad protection afforded to the print nedla. C afforded to the print media. Coalition nembers believe that children can be protected from inappropriate material online with the help of blocking and filtering technology now available. Parents, not the United States Gouerancet, are the Best and most appropriate judges of what material is appropriate for themselves and their children. The Coalition law smit, ALA v. United States Department of Justice et al. was filed on February 26, with a Preliminary Injunction Motion Filed later on March 1, The suit, handled by Bruce Eanis of the law firm of Jeaner and Block in Washington D.C. , has been consolidated with one filed earlier by the ACLU challenging the CDA. A three-judge court com/ened e Federal Third Circuit Court of Appeal in Philadelphia will hear quidesce Is the consolidated case through the middle of April, with a decision expected soon after. The case will then go directly to the United States Saprene Court. Educating The Court On The Nature Of The Internet fiad Alternatives To Crasorship CIEC's complaint and menorandan in support of motion for preliminary injunction detail the history of the Internet and outlines how the network operates. The CIC intends to educate the court on hou the Internet functions and uly the broad content regulations imposed by the CD threaten the very existence of the Internet as a viable nedian for free expression, education, and commerce. Among other things, the CIEC challenge argues that: The Internet is a unique communications nediun which deserves First Anendnent protection at least as broad as those afforded to print media. In light of the unique nature of the Internet, the Con's effort to graft old dial-a-porn regulations onto the Internet amounts to a total ban on a vast amount of constitutionally protected speech between adults. The CA will be ineffective at protecting children from "indecent" global. "pateatly" offensive material on the "world-wide" web, The met is Individual users and parents. not the Federal Goverment, should determine for themselves and their children what material comes into their hones based on their ous tastes and values. Easy to use and effective blocking software and services are readily wwwilable for this purpose. The full text of the CIEC complaint, along with other relevant background Information, and Information on how you can participate in this landmark case, can be found on the CIEC World Wide Web Page at. Ingact of the Communications Decency fict Liability under the Communications Decency fct (CM) extends from commercial and non-commercial content providers, web site operators, libraries, universities, and online service providers roviders who host or provide material which violates the Indecency Ban. Although this case involves a ban on Indecret communication on the Internet, the way the Supreme Court resolves that issue will effectively resolve the constitutionality of a later ban on offensive, violent. hateful or otherwise unwanted communications online. In order to assure that Internet cas contime to be a forum for the free exchange of valuable information and ideas, free from onerous and chilling censorship, we are challenging the indecency restrictions contained in the Communication Decency fct. Relationship with Other CDA Challenges The CIEC challenge is separate from the case brought by the ACLU, EFT. EPIC. Planned Parenthood, and several other plaintiffs in the sane Philadelphia court on February @, 1'73%, CIEC is working closely with ACLU attorneys and the two cases have recently been consolidated. The CIEC case will reinforce the ACLU's efforts while focusing on the unique nature of the Internet and alternatives to govern it contest regalations. Menbership in the Coalition The Citizens Internet Empowerment Coalition is a large and diverse group of Internet users, businesses, non-profit groups, and civil liberties aduccates who share the comme re the common goals of protecting the First incadnent and the viability of the Internet as a means of free expression, education, and commerce. Haned Plaintiffs In The CIEC Challenge American Library Association erica Online, Inc. American Booksellers Association werican Booksellers Foundation for Free Expression merican Society of Meuspaper Editors Association of American Publishers Association of Publishers, Editors and Writers Citizens Internet Enpowerment Coalition Commercial Internet exchange Compuserve Information Services, Inc. Familles ngalmat Internet Censorship Freedon to Read Foundation HotWired Ventures Ltd. Interactive Digital Software Association Interactive Services fasociation Magazine Publishers of America Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Network REtCUM On-line Communications Services, Inc. Newspaper Association of America Prodigy Services Company, Inc. Society of Professional Journalists Wired Ventures Ltd. Other Members Of The Citizens Internet Enpowernent Coalition Plaintiff ericans for Tax Reform Association of American University Presses, Inc. Association of National Advertisers Association of Research Librarians Center for Democracy and Technology Coalition for Metworked Information Media feccess Project Media Institute Microsystems Software, Inc. Rational Assoc, of State Universities & Land Grant Colleges People for the fimcrican Ung Recording Industry fassociation of America Special Libraries Association Sarfwatch Software, Inc. University of California Santa Barbara Library Quer 22,000 Individual Intermet thers Center for Democracy and Technology 1631 Eye Street MU Suite 1100 Washington, DC 20006 (202) 677-9000 F: (202) 677-034 email: Jbernanicdt.org http:/w.cdt.org/ . PROTECT DE INTERNET AND THE FUTURE OF FREE SPEECH IN THE INFORMATION AGE Join the legal challenge against the Communications Decency Act! For More Information, Visit the CIEC Web Page or email delec-inforodt .org'>